If you need general help with Concrete5 we provide professional 1-on-1 remote training services.
This training can be tailored to suit your specific requirements. Basic topics that can be covered are:
- Installing Concrete5
- Installing a theme or add-on
- Building a site with Concrete5
- Configuring an add-on
- General website structure strategy
If you need more advanced training, we can help you with:
- Customising the look-and-feel of your theme (HTML / PHP / JS / CSS)
- Customising the look-and-feel of a particular block on your site (HTML / PHP / JS / CSS)
- Other customisations involving PHP, Javascript and CSS
Concrete5.org offers a great forum with helpful members to answer your questions. However, if you want personlised, fast training from a Concrete5 expert, we can help you.
Training services are delivered via Skype (and Teamviewer, if required) and available between 9am - 5pm (GMT+8). It doesn't matter where you're located, we can provide remote training services anywhere in the world. Minimum training sessions are 30 mins and can be as long as you wish. The hourly rate is USD$90/hr and payment can be made via Paypal before training commences.
To book in a training session, or if you have any questions, please contact us to request a quote.