Ever wanted to show a bunch of nice photos but don't want the user to scroll? Here's the solution.
An elegant image gallery with paginated thumbnails that is optimised for a "full width" page template. Make the most of the space and eliminate the need for users to scroll and eliminate page reloads. This combination makes for a smooth, polished experience for the end user.
And editing is a breeze. Simply select a fileset or individual images, and the number of thumbnails you wish to show. Then all the heavy lifting is done for you, including resizing and cropping of the thumbnails and large images.
For improved performance, the thumbnails are cached so they are not generated each time the page is loaded.
Download from the Concrete5 Marketplace (Price: $15)
- Display multiple thumbnails and large image in a single screen.
- Pagination for thumbnails so you can display dozens of photos without the need to scroll.
- AJAX loading of thumbnails so there's no nasty page reloads.
- Previous and Next navigation links.
- Slideshow mode to view each photo with smooth fading transition.
- Automatic cropping of thumbnails and large image so they look nice and neat.
- Link to download original image - ideal for photo gallery. This can be hidden via CSS if you wish.
- Choose to display file attributes such as title, description, etc.
- Customise colours and styling from single CSS file.
- NEW: includes 3 new block templates for non-cropped options as well as alternative layout for thumbnails.
Click here to see live example. | Click here to see a Responsive example with 40+ images.