» Block Headline Pro

The headline of your page is probably the most important element. It is crucial that the headline grabs the visitor's attention and compels them to continue reading. This block will virtually reach out of the screen and create a vice-like grip around the head of your website visitors that hypnotises them into obeying your every word... well, almost.

This beautiful, elegant block will turn ordinary text into an extraordinary, attention-grabbing headline in less than 10 seconds. And it's so easy to use. Simply enter your headline, choose from several formatting options and you're done.

Power users aren't left out either. There are ample options to keep you happy so you can get it looking just the way you want. Adjust font colours, font styles, borders, block alignment, block width and even convert your headline into a link. It's all at your fingertips.

You can choose from 8 built-in CSS3 fonts or over 500+ Google Web Fonts. Best of all, it's fully responsive and will scale down perfectly on mobile devices.

Go ahead and grab a copy. Your website will love you for it.

Download from the Concrete5 Marketplace ($15)


  • Cross-browser support, including iOS and Android
  • Fast loading & Search engine friendly
  • Fully responsive
  • Choose from 8 included CSS3 fonts or over 500+ Google Web Fonts
  • Control the colour of the headline text easily
  • Turn headline into a link to an internal page, external URL or a file in your File Manager
  • Optionally added borders to the top and/or bottom


This is the default CSS3 font 'League Gothic' in white with full width option.

I Really really Love Concrete5

Using Google Web Font with fixed width at 400px and alignment to center with a link to the 'Add-ons' page on the C5extras.com website.

Demonstration Video
